
Elgin & District


Status:Active, open to new members
Group email: German group
When: Fortnightly on Wednesday mornings
Venue: Home, Cummingston

New beginners are very welcome.

Intermediate German:

This is for those who have previously done German at school, etc. and wish to brush up. We are going through various aspects of grammar, but also spend a lot of time discussing in German - as and when possible - other aspects such as German (including Swiss and Austrian) culture.

Advanced group:

Mainly conversational German, with some grammar and occasional interesting German phrases. Eg: for those lacking motivation, blame it on your "innere schweinhund“!

We meet on alternate Wednesday mornings in Cummingston at the home of our Group Leader, Francis Mitchel

Enquiries to: Group General Enquiries

Your Friendly Group Leader - Francis